Bellwoods’ response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
We have been closely monitoring the progression of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and are strictly following the necessary steps required by the Federal and Provincial Governments and Toronto Public Health. During this period of uncertainty, the health and safety of our clients and staff continues to be our number one priority. We have implemented several actions within the organization focused on:
- Reducing transmission of the pandemic virus strain among staff and clients
- Minimizing illness among staff and clients
- Maintaining essential operations and services
- Providing service to the most vulnerable clients
- Minimizing the economic impact of a pandemic on our staff
Some of the protocols and practices that are being implemented in response to COVID-19 include:
Essential Services Protocol:
A skeleton crew will continue to operate at Head Office. The Senior Leadership Team and administrative office staff will implement an essential services protocol and will practice social distancing. The need for core staff at Head Office is required out of the care and concern for our front-line program team and to ensure staff are available on site to deal with new emerging issues that may arise.
The essential services protocol will include working remotely, leadership staff working over the full 7-day week, conducting virtual meetings, increased cleaning of high touch areas, handwashing protocol and screening staff and essential visitors.
Mandatory Screenings: Daily screening protocols have been implemented at all of our sites/facilities and Head Office. Additional screeners will be conducted at two of our Supportive Housing sites (300 Shaw Street and 1082 Dundas).
Restricting Visitors: To ensure a safe and secure environment for our clients and staff we are discouraging visiting to all our supportive housing sites.
Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Bellwoods is ensuring that PPE is available and used as required to reduce the transfer of germs between clients and staff. Staff will be using PPE, as appropriate, in accordance with best practice guidelines.
Immediate Cancellation of all Group Events: Everyone is encouraged to practice social distancing during this period.
Bellwoods is committed to doing our part by helping mitigate the spread of the virus. In the mean time, stay safe and take care of yourself and those around you. Wishing you and your loved ones good health.
For more up-to-date information, please visit the following links:
- – 2019 Novel Coronavirus (
- City of Toronto – COVID-19 (
- Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000 (
- Ministry of Health/Ministry of Long-Term Care (
- Self-Assessment Tool (