Bellwoods also provides services through Housing Hub (HH) Models that enhance access to affordable, accessible housing by expanding opportunities to combine housing and support services. In these models, clients have access to services without the requirement of staff being available on-site at all times. HH models provide housing and access to support services to assist clients in carrying-out activities of daily living and, when required, support life-skills training and coordinate access to relevant resources in the community.
Bellwoods has three housing hubs locations:
- DEAUVILLE SITE: Head Lease with Mahogany Management at Deauville Place, at 5 Deauville Lane, Toronto (10 units).
- SUDBURY SITE: Referral Agreement and Head Lease with St. Clare’s Multi-Faith Housing Society at 180 Sudbury Street, Toronto (10 units).
- 1236 BIRCHMOUNT SITE: Birchmount Green includes three (3) units in partnership with Birchmount Green Inc.
HH differ from permanent supportive housing sites in that they offer access to 24/7 service; however, staff is not necessarily onsite 24/7. The model allows for variation in service provision including short, urgent ad-hoc and/or overnight visits. In keeping with the philosophy of Independent Living, clients direct their own services with staff onsite for pre-scheduled services. Services are non-medical and individuals living in housing hubs must be able to be safe in-between bookings. HH services range in length with clients generally receiving multiple short visits throughout the day depending on the type of services required. Read more information about Housing Hubs (PDF).
Additional information is available by contacting us at:
Bellwoods Centres for Community Living Inc.
3 Concorde Gate, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3N7
Telephone: (416) 696-9663
Fax: (416) 696-9481
E-mail: admin@bellwoodscentres.org