Giving Tuesday Now

#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that is taking place today – as an emergency response to COVID-19. We need your help to ensure that people with disabilities are supported during this difficult time. You can show your support in a variety of ways – whether its monetary donations, donating PPE, or donating your time as a volunteer. Every act of generosity counts.

Read more about giving tuesday

Bellwoods commitment to our People & Continuity of Operations Plan

Bellwoods continuously monitors the news of coronavirus (COVID‐19) carefully. We are continuing to work with the Toronto Central LHIN, Ministry of Health and Toronto Public Health. Please be assured that Bellwoods is committed to supporting the health and well-being of our clients and staff.  As part of this commitment, an Emergency Planning & Preparedness Committee has been convened that is meeting daily to actively monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 and assess its impact across our organization as part of our Continuity of Operations Plan (COP).

Our primary goals at this time are:

  1. To confirm our plan to ensure that we can maintain critical functions and provide care for clients most in need.
  2. To ensure that clients and staff and service providers on the front-line are aware of how to prevent exposure to the coronavirus. [Remember: Proper hand hygiene is key. Soap and water are very effective against the coronavirus so if you cannot access alcohol-based hand rub, proper hand washing with soap and water will remove the virus from your hands.]
  1. To continue our efforts to ensure that all staff are equipped with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  2. To implement an active surveillance strategy to identify and effectively manage potential exposure for staff and clients.
  3. To issue regular communication bulletins to communicate information that is in line with public health recommendations for health, hygiene and prudent action.

At this time, we are reminding staff and clients:

  1. To self-identify to their Supervisor/Manager if:
    1. They are experiencing any respiratory symptoms accompanied by fever
    2. They have recently returned from a recent travel destination by air or on a cruise ship

HR staff will initiate a follow up call with these staff to undertake additional screening.

  1. Follow good respiratory etiquette including sneezing and coughing into a tissue (or sleeve if necessary) and discarding the tissue in a waste basket immediately and then washing hands.
  2. Follow the recommendations of Toronto Public Health using the link below and take the usual prevention measures to reduce the risk of transmission of flu and respiratory illnesses.