Show Some Heart & Join Us At I Heart Neighbourhood 2019

Building on the success of last year’s debut, the I Heart Neighbourhood Charity Auction will bring together friends, neighbours and supporters of a wide spectrum of caring and compassionate community organizations to celebrate the importance of neighbourhood.

This unique collaborative fundraising event brings together Bellwoods Centres for Community Living Inc., The Neighbourhood Group, Business in the Streets, Regent Park Focus Youth Media Arts Centre and UrbanArts to raise much-needed funds to support vital programs and services.

Please join us to champion the crucial work of our participating charities.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 6:30 pm at Ryerson’s Mattamy Athletic Centre – 50 Carlton Street, Toronto

  • Early Bird Tickets $100 (until March 31, 2019)
    General Admission $125 (after March 31, 2019)
  • Early Bird Heart of Gold Patrons $150 (until March 31, 2019)
    Heart of Gold Patrons $200 (after March 31, 2019)

Be sure to buy your tickets today or if you’re not able to attend, but would like to show your support, please make a donation in support of Bellwoods.  

For more information on sponsorship, donations, and tickets supporting the event, please contact Anna Yip, Communications Support Coordinator at (416) 447-1168 or by e-mail at:

Bellwoods’ Celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities!

In honour of International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPD2018, Bellwoods would like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate our clients, families and caregivers for all communities dedicated support and work towards a path of inclusivity and accessibility in our community.

This year’s theme of International Day of Persons with Disabilities is to empower persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality. The goal is to help create real opportunities for people with disabilities that will enhance their own capacities and provides supports in setting their priorities. When people are empowered, they are better prepared to take advantage of opportunities and they become agents of change.

Evidence and experience shows that when barriers to inclusion are removed and persons with disabilities are empowered to participate fully in societal life, their entire community benefits. While Canadians with disabilities increasingly live in communities, physical exclusion in institutional settings is still a significant part of the Canadian disability landscape. We need to work together to diminish these barriers that will hopefully close some of the gaps.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Bellwoods recognizes that the existence of barriers constitutes a central component of disability. Accessibility and inclusion of persons with disabilities are fundamental rights and are not only objectives, but also pre-requisites for the enjoyment of all other rights. Bellwoods encourages and supports our clients to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of their lives and development.

Where to next? We need to ensure that no one is left behind as we build our future societies where barriers do not exist. Bellwoods’ mission is to transform lives through excellence and innovation in Independent Living and we will continue to find innovative ways to create inclusive communities and environments.

For more information please visit:

Bellwoods receives ONPHA – Award for Excellence!

Bellwoods is excited to announce that it has been selected as the winner of the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association (ONPHA) Award for Excellence at a special ceremony that took place at the 2018 ONPHA Conference and Trade Show held at the Sheraton Centre Toronto on October 26, 2018. The award recognizes a non-profit housing provider that responds to tenant or community needs with imagination, dedication and insight.

You can visit ONPHA’s website for more information regarding the Award for Excellence ( or see pdf for ONPHA’s news release.

We also want to share with you a video ( that was created to celebrate and showcase our organization as the 2018 Award for Excellence winner.

We are very excited to have won this award as this recognition enables Bellwoods to further showcase it’s ground-breaking work in developing Independent Living solutions that respond to changing needs and demands and to profile them to new audiences.

Award for Excellence

From left to right:
Marlene Coffey – Executive Director, ONPHA; Susan Andrew – Vice President, Client Services, Bellwoods; Harriet Jamieson – Director, Transitional Programs, Bellwoods; Heather Brien – Bellwoods Board Chair; Lori Holloway – CEO, Bellwoods; Viola Bardhoshi – from MCI on behalf of the award sponsor Prentice Yates & Clark; Adam Vaughan, MP (Spadina Fort-York) and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development; Ami Patel – President, ONPHA; and Steve Clark – Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Thank you to all our staff, clients, service partners and especially our housing providers. This would not have been possible without your support and dedication.

For inquiries please contact:
Anna Yip, Communications Support Coordinator

Relocation of Bellwoods’ Head Office

We are pleased to announce that Bellwoods’ Head Office has been relocated to a new location as of October 29, 2018 to accommodate organizational growth. The new address is:
3 Concorde Gate, Suite 200, Toronto, ON.  M3C 3N7.

We will continue with our existing contacts:
T: (416) 696-9663
F: (416) 696-9481

For directions, please visit this link.

If you have any questions about the new location or any of our program and services, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Bellwoods relocation poster

I Heart Neighbourhood with Bellwoods Centres

On February 13, 2018, I Heart Neighbourhood will bring together friends, neighbours and supporters at the Daniels Spectrum to celebrate and support the importance of building strong, vibrant, compassionate neighbourhoods in our great city.

This unique collaborative fundraising event brings together The Neighbourhood Group, Springtide Resources, Regent Park Focus, Jessies – The June Callwood Centre for Young Women, and Bellwoods Centres for Community Living to raise much-needed funds to support important programs and services. Collectively, our agencies serve 50,000 Torontonians each year.

Attendees will enjoy an elegant evening mixing delicious fare and beverages with both a silent and live auction, live entertainment, and the opportunity to learn about the work of five local charities.

To order your tickets in support of Bellwoods Centres please visit our CanadaHelps page.

You can also check out the event via Facebook: Page: or Event:

I Heart Neighbourhood banner